加拿大28开奖 & 奖学金
你是一个有抱负的表演艺术家还是一个有创造力的艺术家, 或者只是想在大学里继续你对艺术的热情? 你可能有资格获得创意艺术奖学金. These awards may also be combined with Academic 奖学金, ranging from $13,000 to $18,000. Schedule an audition with a faculty or staff member, or submit your audition form 在这里 today!
- 视觉艺术
- 平面设计
- 器乐
- 声乐
- 剧院
- 音乐剧
- 技术剧院
- 创意写作
- 跳舞
- 文学
If you would like to schedule an on-campus private audition along with a campus tour, 请通过点击招生办公室安排一次校园访问 在这里. If you have already received a campus tour and would only like to schedule an on-campus private audition, 请与朱利安·马歇尔联系 马歇尔.j@berryfieldsfarm.net. You can also complete a virtual audition by submitting a digital portfolio or online performance videos.
- 器乐两首练习曲,展示了技巧和音乐素养
- 键盘两件风格迥异的衣服
- 声乐: Two contrasting pieces, one of which should be in a language other than English
- 戏剧艺术: Two contrasting monologues which must be memorized and no more than one minute each in length
- 音乐剧: 24-36 measures of a song and one contrasting monologue which should be memorized and 1-2 minutes in length
- 技术剧院美术作品示例,经验简历和技术工作作品集
- 跳舞自选2-3分钟的舞蹈
- 创意写作: 2–5 pages of creative writing, which can include fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. 大多数申请者提交一篇短篇小说、散文或一系列诗歌.
- 视觉艺术 & 平面设计: A completed application along with a physical or digital version of your portfolio
- 文学: 3-4页的文学作品分析
Here are a few sample bios of the tremendous faculty and staff you’ll work with at WVWC!
姓名:Jon W Benjamin
培训及特长: 平面设计,数字媒体
联系我: http://theargomedia.com/
背景: Jon received a Master of Fine Arts degree in 平面设计 from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York and a Bachelor of Science from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. His master thesis was entitled, “Medical Information Design: Empowering the Patient.乔恩最初是威斯康星州麦迪逊市生物技术初创公司的自由设计师.
11年来, Jon was a Senior 平面设计er for an association management company located in a suburb of Washington D.C. 乔恩开发品牌,设计网站,制作科学期刊. 他的客户包括美国咨询树艺师协会, 水技术协会, 以及心脏病学领导联盟.
Jon won awards for logo design and conference branding from the American Advertising Federation DC Chapter and Association Trends.
Jon previously taught courses in Digital Foundations and Medical Illustration at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, 俄亥俄州. He is currently the Assistant Professor of 平面设计 at 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒 College. Jon教授平面设计课程, 排版, 网页设计, 品牌识别系统, 动画, 视频制作, 电子游戏设计, 艺术历史, 平面设计历史, 视觉传达和电视广播原理.
2019年,他在巴克汉农创办了西弗吉尼亚艺术与设计协会, 帮助当地艺术家和设计师合作, 学习和推广他们的业务.
Jon opened an Independent Bookstore in 2021 that sells a curated collection of books, 游戏及美术用品. Argo Books还为社区提供了作家俱乐部、读书俱乐部和电影俱乐部 & 摄影俱乐部,动画俱乐部,游戏设计俱乐部和电影俱乐部. 乔恩是美国图形艺术学院的成员.
培训及特长: 跨学科艺术,艺术史和策展实践
背景: I studied sculpture at Kendal College of 艺术与设计 in Grand Rapids Michigan w在这里 I earned my BFA in sculpture and a minor in art history. 我在俄亥俄大学获得了文学硕士学位, 在雅典, 我在俄亥俄州学习雕塑并扩大实践. While living in Kansas City I started the Hown’s Den: a domestic + nomadic exhibition space and taught in the continuing education department at the Kansas City Art Institute. 搬到西弗吉尼亚州后,我继续定期举办展览, 国内和国际, 过去五年在戴维斯和埃尔金斯学院兼职, 西维吉尼亚卫斯理人,是斯利斯美术馆的总监. In the summer of 2019 founded artCAB Studio which offers art classes for folks of all skill levels and ages, 包括孩子们的艺术夏令营.
培训及特长: 创意写作、小说
联系我: 史蒂文斯.r@berryfieldsfarm.net
背景: 作为一个海军小子,罗伯特·尤恩在18岁之前搬了11次家. 从皮特大学毕业后,他在匹兹堡住了15年.
2012年夏天, he worked as a stand-in for George Takei and has appeared as an extra in commercials and movies such as Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and Fathers and Daughters.
尤恩的小说发表在《加拿大28开奖》上, 凯尼恩评论, 和昴宿星团, 等. In 2009, he received a writing fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
In 2015, his debut novel Eighty Days of Sunlight was nominated for the International DUBLIN Literary Award. Other nominees that year included Lauren Groff, Kazuo Ishiguro and Salman Rushdie. His debut story collection Impossible Children won the 2017 Mary McCarthy Prize and was published in October 2019 by Sarabande Books.
Yune serves on the board of Autumn House Press and Literacy Volunteers of Upshur County. 他也为《加拿大28开奖》读书.
名称:博士. 旋律的草地
培训及特长: M.A.T. 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒
D.M.A. 密歇根大学
联系我: meadows@berryfieldsfarm.net
背景: Dr. Meadows is Professor of 键盘 Studies and music theory at 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒. 她曾在美国各地演奏钢琴和管风琴.S., 英格兰, 苏格兰, 德国, 意大利, 奥地利, 和首尔, 他喜欢演奏各种风格的曲子, 包括古典和爵士. 她是加拿大28网址模范教学奖的获得者.
培训及特长: 音乐,运动乐队,铜管乐队
联系我: 帕尔默.r@berryfieldsfarm.net; (304) 473-8520
背景: I grew up in Illinois and attending Western Illinois University for my Bachelors and Masters degrees. 在亚利桑那州和印第安纳州待了一段时间之后, 2015年冬天,我搬到了西弗吉尼亚州,开始在奥尔德森布罗德斯工作. I later attended Florida State University for my doctoral degree and then moved back to Bridgeport, 和我的家人在一起. I excitedly started at Wesleyan in July of 2022 and am eager to get going with the band programs.
培训及特长: 代理/导演/妆
联系我: mach@wvwc.Edu和304-473-8855
背景: GREGORY MACH is a tenured Associate Professor of 戏剧艺术 and former 戏剧系的系主任 & 这是他在西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院就读的第22年, 之前曾在戴维斯和埃尔金斯学院任教13年.
专业演员, 导演, 教书之余还是个剧作家, he earned his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Mississippi in 1985, and has performed everything from Shakespeare to mime at numerous theatres throughout the southeastern United States including the Barter 剧院, 绿蔷薇谷剧院, Surflight剧院, 坎伯兰郡剧场, 密西西比夏季展示会, 西弗吉尼亚公共剧院, 西弗吉尼亚剧院等等. 最喜欢的角色包括夏洛克·福尔摩斯, 《加拿大28网址》中的亨利二世, 《加拿大28开奖》里的弗朗茨·李伯金, 以及他演过的所有莎士比亚戏剧, 尤其是《加拿大28网址》中的波顿一角, 哪个他玩过5次. 他为这则广告做了大量的导演工作, 大学及社区阶段, 以及国际旅游, 包括像《加拿大28网址》这样的戏剧, GODSPELL, 吸血鬼, 借我一个男高音, NUNSENSE, 心之罪, 奥利弗!,以及更多.
He served as the 西维吉尼亚州 State Representative for 15 years on the Board of Directors of the Southeastern 剧院 Conference, 全国最大的戏剧会议, 为此,他担任了两年的州试镜协调员. 他还曾担任WV剧院协会的秘书/财务主管, 并担任Valley Ridge Studios的董事会主席, 在托马斯演出出色的小剧院, WV. In 1999, he was selected by the Rotary International Foundation to represent higher education and the arts in 西维吉尼亚州 on a thirty-day Group Study Exchange tour to Daegu, 韩国.
格雷格是许多已制作剧本的作者, 其中有四部独幕剧, two of which have toured 西维吉尼亚州 schools as part of children’s theatre programs at 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒 College and Davis and Elkins College, 其中一个还获得了国家级奖项. He has also written and directed several murder mystery dinner theatre productions at local theatres and restaurants, 包括埃尔金斯的甘迪舞蹈剧院, WV, 以及巴克汉农的88号公路, WV, 他还是三部哑剧的作者, 其中一个巡演过东欧.
名字:Tom Schoffler
培训及特长: 表演与戏剧
联系我: schoffler_t@berryfieldsfarm.net
背景: 戏剧系的系主任 & 舞蹈,汤姆是一个工作演员和导演. He has directed in New York and regionally, and is a founding company member of 剧院 Alaska. Tom is also a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique and presents masterclasses and workshops across the country to students ranging from professional arm wrestlers and pole-vaulters to performers of all stripes @tommyschoff